Age determinants of mental performance in gifted children

Keywords: giftedness, gifted children, mental performance, fatigue, education, boarding school


Introduction. Nowadays, education makes high demands on both mental abilities and emotional and volitional qualities, such as endurance, resistance, and the ability to cope with long-term mental stress, which ensure a child’s mental activity. This mostly appeals to gifted children, since their academic workload is higher and their mental health is often reduced. This makes relevant the problem of the age determinants of mental performance in gifted children to improve their educational activities. Aims. To identify the optimal performance of gifted children in academic settings with respect to age, physiological, and mental characteristics of a child. Materials and methods. The research involved 150 children of the Penza Boarding School for Gifted Children (age: 17–18 years [Grades 10–11; n = 50]; 15–16 years [Grades 8–9;
n = 50]; 13–14 years [Grades 6–7; n = 50]; sex: male, n = 80; female, n = 70). The introspection method was used with a diary for self-observation developed by the authors. Results. A significant difference during the day and week was observed in the performance of gifted children depending on age. Conclusion. Weekly academic activities, both mental and physical, should be distributed with respect to the age determinants of mental performance in gifted children.


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Author Biographies

A. V. Kuts , Penza State University (37 Lermontov str., Penza, 440026, Russia)

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

M. A. Lygina , Penza State University (37 Lermontov str., Penza, 440026, Russia)

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

O. V. Bogatyreva , Regional Social Rehabilitation Center for Children and Young People with Disabilities (6 Zhemchuzhny Ave., Penza, 440061, Russia)

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance


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How to Cite
Kuts, A., Lygina, M., & Bogatyreva, O. (2023). Age determinants of mental performance in gifted children. Psychology. Psychophysiology, 16(4), 81-89.
Educational psychology