Predicting students' performance in project-based learning: a substantiation of an interdisciplinary study
Introduction. Constant changes, a continuous flow of information, and uncertainty require a person, being a subject of professional activity, to be effective and achieve maximum performance while preserving psychological resources. Therefore, personal effectiveness and its prediction are of urgent importance both for an individual and for an organization. Aims: to study the phenomenon of effective performance, in particular project performance, and its psychological factors, as well as to find ways to predict personal effectiveness in project performance. The theoretical basis includes the following principles: a systematic approach to the key psychological parameters of project performance; interaction and development as a system-dynamic approach to self-organization in uncertain, critical situations; the principle of performance in personality studies and the study of individual and joint activities. A literature review was performed as a systematic analysis of original theoretical and empirical studies available on Science Direct, eLibrary, Google Scholar, and Scopus. Results. A review of theoretical and empirical studies provides grounds for defining effectiveness as a measure of qualitative and quantitative assessment of performance, which is determined both by its content and by a complex of various psychological characteristics. Understanding the requirements for project performance and creating optimal conditions for it with respect to the psychological characteristics of subjects provide the possibility for an adequate assessment of effectiveness and its forecast within a differentiated approach to the training of specialists. Conclusion. Artificial intelligence is the most promising technology for predicting performance effectiveness, which confirms the need for interdisciplinary research and further study.
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