Age-related changes in emotional expression in institutionalized children with special needs
Introduction: This research studies emotional expression in young children with special needs (SN) in an institutional environment. The aim was to analyze the age-related changes in emotional expression in children with special needs living in institutions. Materials and methods. This study involved 115 children with special needs from two St. Petersburg baby homes at an average age of 17.5 ± 13.1 (8 to 58 months). The characteristics of children's expression of emotions and their behavior in situations of free play and two consecutive separations and reunions with primary caregivers (baby home staff) were studied with the Dyadic Affect Manual method. Results. The results obtained demonstrated an age-related increase in SN children's expression of positive emotions in two instances of separation with a primary caregiver, a decrease in negative emotions (for free play, for the first separation and the second reunion, respectively) and increased destructive behavior (for free play, for the first reunion) and activity (for all interaction types). The number of emotions expressed by children in the interaction episodes did not change significantly with age. Conclusion. The present research demonstrates the peculiarities of age-related changes in the expression of emotions and behavior in SN children brought up in an institutionalized setting.
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