Features of the development of spatial orientation in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation
Background: Spatial orientation is among the most significant functions for successful schooling. Therefore, the identification of both the rate of development of spatial orientation and its features is a priority task for the development of effective correction programs and provision of psychological support to younger schoolchildren with special educational needs. Aims: the paper aims to identify the features of spatial orientation in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation. Materials and methods: Our cross-sectional study involved 25 children with mental retardation aged from 8 to 9 years and 25 children with normative development. The inclusion criterion (the main group) was the results of expert evaluation of children. The control group consisted of 2nd grade students who successfully coped with basic education program. The study was based on the data obtained with the Luria neuropsychological battery adapted by J. Glozman to identify the developmental features of coordinate, quasi-spatial, verbal-spatial and visual-spatial functions in children. Statistical methods included comparative analysis of the level of spatial orientation in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation and normative development (φ-Fisher test; Student's t-test; Pearson's correlation coefficient). Results: The data obtained allowed to identify differences in the rate of development of spatial orientation and its features in children with mental retardation and normative development. Conclusion: There was a statistically significant positive relationship between all parameters of the development of spatial functions, which confirmed the belonging of these functions to a single system, as well as a certain independence of verbal-spatial and visual-spatial functions in mental ontogenesis.
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