Analysis of the relationship between psychophysiological parameters and psychological characteristics in university students of the Ural region
Introduction. Modern ideas about personality and individuality suggest the existence of the relationship between physiological, psychophysiological, psychological, behavioral, and social components. The non-invasive methods of brain study are of significant importance in the assessment of physiological foundations of the individual typological characteristics of a person, especially when it comes to superslow mental processing. Such studies confirm the integral nature of mental characteristics and psychophysiological/neurodynamic foundations. Therefore, a complex psychological and psychophysiological program was developed to identify the features of students of the Ural region. Aims: the paper aims to identify the relationship between superslow brain biopotentials and psychological characteristics of students in the Ural region. Materials and methods. The sample involved 499 students from different universities of the Ural region. The mean age of the subjects was 19.5 years. Personality structure was examined with a battery of psychodiagnostic tests, including the study of activity, motivation, and self-regulation. Constant potential measurements were performed with the AMEA brain analyzer. The results obtained were processed with Microsoft Excel 2010 and SPSS Statistics v. 17.0. Results. The relationships between psychological type and omega brain waves were identified. Statistically significant relationships were found between energy metabolism (constant potential) and psychological types, activity continuum, and self-regulation. The existence of common psychological and psychophysiological characteristics in persons of certain professions was confirmed. Conclusion. Differences between students of different majors are most evident when it comes to adherence to a certain activity in accordance with personality type. The results obtained confirm the validity of constant potential measurements as the psychophysiological basis of psychological characteristics.
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