Unstable mental states in student athletes
Introduction. The determinants and types of unstable mental states in student athletes are in the focus of attention of both foreign and Russian scientists in the psychophysiology of states, including experts who work with students attending Olympic sports schools. Aim. The paper presents a review and analysis of contradictions within theoretical and empirical approaches to the acquisition of mental control techniques by student athletes. Materials and methods. The paper involves the analysis of 130 publications indexed in RSCI and Web of Science published within 2016–2021 and selected using the following keywords: “student”, “sport*”, “mental health”. The methods of analogy, comparison, generalization and concretization were used for the purpose of the study. Results. The paper presents a generalized notion of mental state, as well as the types and characteristics of negative (unstable) mental states in student athletes. The mental control techniques were described (self-control, self-regulation) as a way of developing and providing psychophysiological balance and long-lasting sports career. Conclusion. The combination of sports and educational activities makes relevant scientific research aimed at the development and use of psychophysiological techniques for mental control in student athletes. The psychological and psychophysiological methods of assistance to athletes proposed by the authors were justified, including those, which were based on digital technologies.
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