Psychological targets for the treatment of maladjustment among medical staff working with COVID-19 patients in hospital settings
Introduction: the COVID-19 pandemic is a major challenge to the global healthcare system. Russian and foreign authors emphasize that neurotic states contribute to the formation of emotional burnout, and conversely – significant emotional burnout results in the development of neurotic disorders. However, there are no publications indicating the effect of this mutual influence on the professional performance of medical staff, especially when it comes to heavy stress. Therefore, there is a need to study these aspects of the psychological condition of medical staff in infectious hospitals and identify the targets for further psychological impact. Aims: the paper aims to evaluate the degree of maladjustment among medical staff working with COVID-19 patients in hospital settings and to identify the targets of psychological correction. Materials and methods: 1) participants – 279 medical workers of infectious hospitals, of which 116 doctors and 163 nurses; 2) methods – a questionnaire for identifying and evaluating neurotic states (K. Yakhin, D. Mendelevich); methods for measuring mental burnout (V. Boyko); 3) statistical analysis – descriptive statistics; U-test Mann–Whitney; factor analysis. Results: medical workers have signs of neuroticism, among which neurotic depression is the most pronounced. It was found that emotional burnout formed in the so-called resistance phase. The following symptoms of emotional burnout were the most common: experiencing traumatic circumstances, inadequate emotional response, reduction of professional obligations, expansion of the economy of emotions, emotional and ethical disorientation. Three significant psychological targets were identified using factor analysis: “Astheno-neurotic complex”, “Conversion manifestations” and “Emotional and ethical disorientation”. Conclusion: the COVID-19 pandemic crisis resulted in psychological distress and a high risk of neuroticism among medical staff of infectious hospitals. Therefore, the subjective picture of psychological distress among medical staff is the most important target for psychological assistance and further health preservation.
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